So why the Raspberry Pi , I hear you ask ?

Well the idea behind it came from 4 gentlemen at Cambridge University in 2006 :
Eben Upton, Rob Mullins, Jack Lang and Alan Mycroft – all based at the Computer Laboratory. A growing frustration with a decline of coding and programming skills bore the idea of a low cost, easily customisable and expandable ‘mini computer’ and the rest is history as they say (full story here).  And the Raspberry Pi is just that : a low cost , easy to maintain and power device, stripped of all the frills you would get from a modern tablet or a laptop. The device itself clocks in at about £25 and it is possible to ‘recycle’ all your old peripherals such as USB mouse/keyboard , spare SD Cards – you can even use your TV screen as a monitor. Your Pi can be pimped and accessorised depending on budget and taste ; cases, expansion boards and battery packs to make it a truly portable device.






So no , there is nothing to be afraid of – with an ever growing community and a infinite amount of online tutorials there is no excuse but to Turn your Pi on, Tune in & Geek Out.


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